shack up


shack up

asuttaa, asua, elää, asustaa, elellä, elää avoliitossa, asua yhdessä, asettua yhteen asumaan, pistää hynttyyt yhteen, olla parisuhteessa erirotuisen kanssa.

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make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shack up englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To live together, especially of an unmarried couple.

  2. I dont think his father was too thrilled when he shacked up with his girlfriend.''

    1995: "George, please state the name of the hotel and room number you are in."
    "Room 832 of the University Plaza Hotel."
    "Lynn, please state the name of the hotel and room number you are in."
    "Room 832 of the University Plaza Hotel."
    Dr. Daniels interrupted. "Christ, Hugo, are you trying to tell me you
    ve got these two kids shacked up in a hotel room?", In The Matter of: The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts'', Paul Robinson
